Could You Survive? is on the Discovery Health Channel. It places three overweight and out of shape people in a disaster scenario where they are to either escape or rescue a loved one. Wildfire, earthquake, boating accident, and car accident have been the challenges so far. This is a reality show at it's best!
I've always had this vision of me in a car accident, near a cliff with a wooden guard rail. I'm always alone. I'm thrown from the car and I am dangling from the guard rail. The accident isn't even the worst part! It's the can I pull myself up over this guard rail part. I have no upper body strength at all! I had to do girl push and pull ups in school. I still can barley do 7 of each.
175lbs dangling from a cliff. Granted I could probably hold on for five minutes before my arms get that tingling sensation from the pressure. And I fall to my death.
Add another to my list of things to do. Become my own hero.